
Windows Scripts

1. Shutdown

This script fully shutdowns the computer

comboKey "gui+x"
delay "1000"
key "u"
key "u"

2. Log Out Prank

This script logs the user out of their Windows session.

terminal "windows"
delay "1000"
writeLn "shutdown /l"

3. Fake Blue Screen

This script opens a fake blue screen image in full screen.

terminal "windows"
delay "1000"
writeLn "start"
delay "1000"
key "F11"

4. Invert Mouse Buttons

This script swaps the left and right mouse buttons.

terminal "windows"
delay "1000"
writeLn "rundll32.exe user32.dll,SwapMouseButton"
delay "1000"
comboKey "alt+F4"

5. Open Rickroll

This script opens a browser to the Rickroll video.

terminal "windows"
delay "1000"
writeLn "start"
delay "1000"
key "F11"
delay "500"
key "f"

6. Fake Update Screen

This script opens a fake Windows update screen.

terminal "windows"
delay "1000"
writeLn "start"
delay "1000"
key "F11"


  • Use these scripts responsibly and only in environments where you have permission.

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